Generator kodu PIN potrzeby do zaprogramowania kluczyka z immobilizerem dla pojazdów marki Nissan przy użyciu 12 cyfrowego kodu PIN ze schowka.

Wersja online oraz pakiet SDK Radio Code Calculator dostępne dla Python, JS, PHP pozwalające w prosty sposób zautomatyzować generowanie kodów radiowych.
#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################### # # Radio Code Calculator API - WebApi interface usage example for Nissan # Glove Box Immobiliser PIN Code Calculator # # In this example, we will demonstrate how to generate a code for a specific # type of car radio. # # Version : v1.1.2 # Language : Python # Author : Bartosz Wójcik # Project : # Homepage : # ############################################################################### # # include Radio Code Calculator API module # from radio_code_calculator import * # # create Radio Code Calculator API class instance (we are using our activation key) # myRadioCodeCalculator = RadioCodeCalculator("ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD") # # generate radio code (using Web API) # error, result = myRadioCodeCalculator.calc(RadioModels.NISSAN_GLOVE_BOX, "E9AB99568498") if error == RadioErrors.SUCCESS: print(f'Radio code is {result["code"]}') elif error == RadioErrors.INVALID_RADIO_MODEL: print("Invalid radio model (not supported)") elif error == RadioErrors.INVALID_SERIAL_LENGTH: print(f'Invalid serial number length (expected {result["serialMaxLen"]} characters)') elif error == RadioErrors.INVALID_SERIAL_PATTERN: print(f'Invalid serial number regular expression pattern (expected {result["serialRegexPattern"]["python"]} regex pattern)') elif error == RadioErrors.INVALID_SERIAL_NOT_SUPPORTED: print("This serial number is not supported") elif error == RadioErrors.INVALID_EXTRA_LENGTH: print(f'Invalid extra data length (expected {result["extraMaxLen"]} characters)') elif error == RadioErrors.INVALID_EXTRA_PATTERN: print(f'Invalid extra data regular expression pattern (expected {result["extraRegexPattern"]["python"]} regex pattern)') elif error == RadioErrors.INVALID_INPUT: print("Invalid input data") elif error == RadioErrors.INVALID_COMMAND: print("Invalid command sent to the Web API interface") elif error == RadioErrors.INVALID_LICENSE: print("Invalid license key") elif error == RadioErrors.ERROR_CONNECTION: print("Something unexpected happen while trying to login to the service.") else: print(f'Unknown error {error}')