Moduł Pythona dla AutoIt Obfuscatora

Wydałem właśnie moduł Pythona dla mojego AutoIt Obfuscatora, pozwalający zautomatyzować zabezpieczanie skryptów AutoIt bezpośrednio z poziomu Pythona 3.

Jeśli kogoś ciekawi jak zbudowane są moduły Pythona, to jego źródła znajdziecie na:

Wszystkie przykłady użycia na:

Prosty przykład wykorzystania domyślnych opcji:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# AutoIt Obfuscator WebApi interface usage example.
# In this example we will obfuscate sample source with default options.
# Version        : v1.0
# Language       : Python
# Author         : Bartosz Wójcik
# Web page       :

# include AutoIt Obfuscator module
from autoitobfuscator import AutoItObfuscator

# if you don't want to use Python module, you can import directly from the file
#from pelock.autoitobfuscator import AutoItObfuscator

# create AutoIt Obfuscator class instance (we are using our activation key)
myAutoItObfuscator = AutoItObfuscator("ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD")

# source code in AutoIt v3 format
scriptSourceCode = 'ConsoleWrite("Hello World")'

# by default all options are enabled, both helper random numbers
# generation & obfuscation strategies, so we can just simply call:
result = myAutoItObfuscator.obfuscate_script_source(scriptSourceCode)

# it's also possible to pass script path instead of a string with the source e.g.
# result = myAutoItObfuscator.obfuscate_script_file("/path/to/script/source.au3")

# result[] array holds the obfuscation results as well as other information
# result["error"]         - error code
# result["output"]        - obfuscated code
# result["demo"]          - was it used in demo mode (invalid or empty activation key was used)
# result["credits_left"]  - usage credits left after this operation
# result["credits_total"] - total number of credits for this activation code
# result["expired"]       - if this was the last usage credit for the activation key it will be set to True
if result and "error" in result:

    # display obfuscated code
    if result["error"] == AutoItObfuscator.ERROR_SUCCESS:

        # format output code for HTML display

        print(f'An error occurred, error code: {result["error"]}')

    print("Something unexpected happen while trying to obfuscate the code.")